Elexon and the Balancing & Settlement Code (BSC)

Elexon administers the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) on behalf of the UK electricity industry and ensures all qualified parties operate within the BSC guidelines. Elexon quotes that the ​qualification process for an energy supplier can take up to a year. However, with our energy market consultancy services, you can achieve industry qualification within a few months. 

What is the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)?

The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) defines the rules and provides arrangements for UK electricity suppliers to balance and settle energy in Great Britain.

The Balancing part of the code enables registered parties to make National Grid notifications, to either
buy or sell electricity on the energy market. These trades are done as close to real time as possible to ensure market balance is maintained.

The Settlement part of the code measures any imbalance between a supplier's contracted energy position and the metered energy position of suppliers and generators. The difference between these is classed as settlement imbalances.

Elexon administers the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) on behalf of the UK electricity industry and all UK Electricity Suppliers must be party to the BSC. The administration of the BSC code dictates that a stringent and rigorous process is followed to ensure that all qualified parties are able to operate within the BSC guidelines. Given the complicated nature of the Balancing and Settlement Code, many market entrants choose to work with experienced
energy market consultants, to help them through the process. 

Elexon Performance Assurance Board

In order to be granted qualification in the UK energy market you must satisfy the Elexon Performance Assurance Board (PAB). Before the PAB approval process can be started, the new electricity supply business must apply for an electricity supply licence. All Dyball Associates ​pre-accredited “off-the-shelf” supply businesses are ready to start the Ofgem licence application process. achieved this process, allowing our customers a much quicker route to the UK energy market.

Within the Balancing and Settlement Code, there are several additional steps that must be completed before PAB could be granted.

  • Determine Credit Cover Process
  • Register Authorised Parties
  • Register in MDD
  • Register BM Units 
  • BSCP65 - Registration in central Systems
  • BSCP301 - Funds Accession
  • ELEXON confirm CALF
  • CVA - BSCP2

Following a successful accession to the Balancing and Settlement Code, the PAB approval also warrants the completion of Self Assessment Documentation (SAD) and industry communication testing.

As well as achieving PAB sign-off, new energy suppliers must also achieve MEPB sign off. Once an electricity supplier has satisfied the Elexon Performance Assurance Board requirements, they can proceed to obtain their Elexon Accreditation.


  • What does BSC stand for?

    BSC stands for the Balancing and Settlement Code which is a legal document that defines arrangements for UK electricity suppliers to balance and settle energy in Great Britain.

  • What is ELEXON?

    ELEXON is a not-for-profit company which sets out to fulfill the role of the UK’s Balancing and Settlement Code Company. Elexon provides specific services to overlook and implement the conditions of the Balancing and Settlement Code rules which support the wholesale electricity market. It also charges for making sure all parties involved in distributing, supplying and measuring energy supply are paid appropriately.

  • Who owns ELEXON?

    ELEXON is owned by the National Grid.

Supporting our clients in the UK Electricity & Gas market with proper regulation.

Dyball Associates works in close connection with the regulatory and qualification boards, Elexon, MRASCo and Xoserve.

Xoserve are the central data service provider for the UK gas market, providing services to gas transporters, gas shippers but most importantly UK gas suppliers.

Supply Licences

Dyball Associates have completed over 35 successful energy supply licence applications

To gain UK energy market qualification, you must satisfy the MRA Entry Assessment Board and agree a Controlled Market Entry (CME) process.

Project Nexus is the replacement of the existing UK Link System which is predominately used for gas supply settlement.

Ready to get started? Let’s talk.

Get in contact with a member of our team today, who can assist you in getting started, or answer any questions that you might have. 
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